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A Broken Heart

If you’re going through a nasty breakup, then now is the perfect time to focus on ways to love yourself again. Follow our guide for 10 self-love tips to help get you on the right path.
A Broken Heart

10 Ways to Love Yourself Again After Ending a Relationship

Dealing with a break-up can be a doozy. After all, it can do a number on your self-confidence, making you doubt everything about yourself and even feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself along the way.  Yes, getting out of a relationship and getting over a breakup can be tough, but it doesn’t have […]

What are the telltale signs of relationship trauma? Recognize and heal from the effects of an abusive partner.
A Broken Heart

11 Signs of Relationship Trauma (And What it Means)

Relationship trauma is a serious consequence of a toxic, unhealthy relationship. It refers to the physical and physiological effects that stem from being in a sexually, physically, or emotionally abusive relationship. In fact, the abuse can be so severe that it triggers relationship PTSD or post-traumatic relationship syndrome (PTRS). What causes this kind of relationship […]

Dealing with rejection can be difficult, but our advice can help. Learn healthy ways for coping with rejection so that you can move on as a more confident person.
A Broken Heart

Learning How to Deal with Rejection in Dating

On the path to finding love, there will be highs and lows along the way, and rejection is just part of it.  Remember that part of healthy relationships is being vulnerable, so it’s only fitting that sometimes you don’t click with someone else—just like someone else’s true self might not be the right fit for […]

It’s not always easy to find closure after a breakup. This handy guide will help your healing journey with tips on how to get closure.
A Broken Heart

How to Get Closure After a Bad Breakup – Moving Forward

Getting over a past relationship and finding closure after a breakup can be challenging. It doesn’t matter if your relationship was toxic with abusive patterns or seemingly perfect; you may find yourself going around in circles, feeling angry, confused, sad—or all of the above. And you’re probably wondering what went wrong, how you could have […]

Before you dive headfirst into getting back with an ex, take a step back and ask yourself these six important questions.
A Broken Heart

Getting Back with an Ex? Ask Yourself These Questions First!

Breaking up can be gut-wrenchingly hard, and harder still the longer you’ve been with someone. You may or may not be saying goodbye forever, left to mourn not just the loss of your relationship, but also the time invested and perhaps the future you’d hoped for. Dating after divorce, for example, might feel like pedaling […]

Do you think you’re feeling lonely or alone in your relationship? Our alone vs. lonely guide will help you better understand and overcome what you might be feeling.
A Broken Heart

Lonely or Alone? Understand the Difference and How to Cope

There are times in your life when you may feel lonely or alone. Maybe you’re single and miss having someone around to keep you company, or perhaps you’re feeling alone in your relationship even though your partner is sitting right next to you.  While we often use the words alone and lonely interchangeably, there are […]

Rejection isn’t easy, but learning how to reject someone nicely can make the conversation a little bit less awkward.
A Broken Heart

How To Reject Someone Nicely – Polite Ways To Turn Down Dates

Rejection: There’s no easy way to do it. Being rejected can feel hurtful, but it’s definitely not comfortable to be the one breaking the news. But you can learn how to reject someone nicely so that you can end things on a good note.  Follow these tips on how to politely reject someone so that […]

So, when is it time to break up? While every relationship is different, there are some tell-tale signs it’s time to break up or take a break. Check out our list below for help deciding if your relationship has run its course.
A Broken Heart

15 Signs It’s Time to Break up or Take a Break

Sometimes, even the most promising relationships don’t last. Perhaps that spark has begun to fizzle, or maybe you’re just not that compatible as a couple anymore. Whatever the case, it can be tricky knowing when to make the call.  Are you looking for signs your relationship is over? Or wondering at what point in your […]

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