A Broken Heart

So, when is it time to break up? While every relationship is different, there are some tell-tale signs it’s time to break up or take a break. Check out our list below for help deciding if your relationship has run its course.
A Broken Heart

15 Signs It’s Time to Break up or Take a Break

Sometimes, even the most promising relationships don’t last. Perhaps that spark has begun to fizzle, or maybe you’re just not that compatible as a couple anymore. Whatever the case, it can be tricky knowing when to make the call.  Are you looking for signs your relationship is over? Or wondering at what point in your […]

A Broken Heart

Proven Strategies for Successful Long-Distance Relationships

Maintaining a meaningful relationship over long distances presents a unique set of challenges. With limited in-person interactions, couples in long-distance relationships (LDRs) must rely heavily on emotional connection, planning, and mutual trust to sustain their bond. Although every relationship is unique, several strategies can increase the likelihood of success. In this guide, we outline practical […]

A Broken Heart

Ghosting Warning Signs: Insights from Tawkify Matchmakers

Dating can be challenging, and one of the more frustrating experiences many singles face is ghosting. Ghosting happens when someone suddenly cuts off all communication without explanation, leaving the other person feeling confused and hurt. To help you recognize the early signs of ghosting, Tawkify’s matchmakers—Melissa Rogers, Alyssa Bunn, and Kimia Monsoor—offer their professional insights […]

Do you think you may be self-sabotaging your relationships? To help you find out, we cover eight signs of self-sabotage when it comes to romantic relationships.
A Broken Heart

8 Signs You’re Self-Sabotaging Your Relationships

You’ve probably heard about the concept of self-sabotage when it comes to things like landing a job or achieving your goals. You know, when you let yourself get in the way of your own success?  Well, you might be surprised that self-sabotage can actually apply to your romantic relationships, too. You can inadvertently destroy or […]

A Broken Heart

Single Spotlight: Episode 1

I sat down today with Fernando. He’s a fantastically handsome African-Mexican American. He likes to say he’s, “blacksican.” Fernando is a world class caretaker for the elderly who is also a rockstar on the dance floor. Fernando’s interview will be the first in a series of “single spotlights” where I will get to know different men and women through light conversation about love.  Fernando, tell me about yourself.  I’m in my early 30’s, I live in Richmond CA and I work as a caregiver for a lovely lady who will remain nameless…

Looking for advice on how to reignite the spark and rebuild love in your relationship? Our guide on how to rekindle a relationship can help!
A Broken Heart

9 Ways to Rekindle Romance in Your Relationship or Marriage

When you and your partner first met, the chemistry was palpable. You didn’t just have a spark between you—it felt like a full-on bonfire with no fire extinguisher in sight.  However, as the weeks, months, and even years have passed, you might be struggling to find so much as a flicker of light in your […]

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup X

Who says you can’t be friends with someone you’re attracted to – you can. And who says you have to have sex with everyone you’re attracted to – you shouldn’t…

If you’re going through a nasty breakup, then now is the perfect time to focus on ways to love yourself again. Follow our guide for 10 self-love tips to help get you on the right path.
A Broken Heart

10 Ways to Love Yourself Again After Ending a Relationship

Dealing with a break-up can be a doozy. After all, it can do a number on your self-confidence, making you doubt everything about yourself and even feel like you’ve lost a sense of yourself along the way.  Yes, getting out of a relationship and getting over a breakup can be tough, but it doesn’t have […]

A Broken Heart

Dating Instruction Roundup VIII

Relationships aren’t fun. They’re an inherently not-fun thing you do with someone whom you often have fun with. Just as light is both a particle and a wave, lasting love is a choice as much as it is a feeling…

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