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A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

What Would You Say… if you had the chance?

This month, the website, The Good Men Project, featured pieces from two guest writers, Patrick Sallee and Arianna Jeret. Patrick wrote “An Open Letter to the Woman I Want,” and Arianna wrote “An Open Letter to the Man I Want.” Here’s what they’d have to say, if they had the chance…

A Broken Heart

A Eulogy for Things Not Meant to Be

She once told me it was the sweet innocence of it all that welcomed her in; but in the end, I think it was its wrongness that made her keep fighting long after she should have let go. She enjoyed playing with the complexities of life in that way. You see, even as pups, wolves should never be turned into pets–they just aren’t meant to lead a domesticated life. But when she came across that small creature on her property, barely two weeks old, three pounds, and abandoned–she was a goner. Things changed irrefutably in that instant, for her, and for everyone in her life. I guess that’s why we’re here today…

Trust after infidelity is possible. Learn how with this helpful, empathetic article about how to heal after being cheated on.
A Broken Heart

How to Cope With Being Cheated On

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for comfort and healing. You think you found your person and then you discover that they have betrayed you. Being cheated on can make it feel like the world as you know it has ended, bringing with it a torrential downpour of emotions. It shakes you to your […]

Are you aware of relationship red flags and how to handle them? Follow our guide for tips on recognizing and managing red flags in your relationship.
A Broken Heart

9 Red Flags in a Relationship You Shouldn’t Ignore

When first dating someone or falling in love, it’s easy to get swept off your feet and ignore some of the not-so-perfect parts of your relationship. But sometimes, those not-so-perfect parts become more significant issues that can transform your relationship into a toxic, manipulative, and even abusive situation.  Though they are sometimes difficult to identify […]

If you’re in between relationships, it’s time to feel single and proud! Check out our list of our favorite quotes about being single for inspiration.
A Broken Heart

50 Best Single Life Quotes | Celebrate Your Singlehood!

While there’s certainly nothing wrong with being single, you may find days when you feel a little down or lonelier than usual. Sometimes, you might need a single anthem encouraging you to wave your single flag high and proud! At other times, you may crave a more thoughtful and inspirational take on your singlehood, reminding […]

Is your man afraid to commit? Read why some men are afraid of commitment and learn how to navigate this situation with your partner.
A Broken Heart

7 Top Reasons Why Men Are Afraid of Commitment

Is the man in your life dragging his feet in the relationship department? It’s time to learn about commitment issues and how to navigate them in any relationship.  Read on to get helpful context for why some men are afraid of commitment and tips on dealing with this situation in your own romantic life.  Why […]

A Broken Heart

What is Love Bombing?

Showing affection, giving gifts, spending time together, and complimenting each other are often considered signs of a happy, healthy relationship. However, there are times when too much of this kind of adoration can signify relationship red flags. And that’s where love bombing comes into the picture.  In our guide below, we provide everything you need […]

Are you and your partner contemplating taking a relationship break? Follow our guide to learn more about navigating a break in your relationship.
A Broken Heart

Taking a Break in a Relationship – A Complete Guide

If you and your partner are considering a break, then you’ve come to the right place. Our guide on taking a break in your relationship is here to offer you advice on navigating this phase. Follow along to learn more about what a break really means, how long a break should last, and what you […]

Are you trying to get over the one who got away? Read these tips on how to move on from someone you never dated.
A Broken Heart

Moving On: How to Get Over Someone You Never Dated 

There’s no way around it: getting over an unrequited love isn’t easy. Letting go of what felt to you like a deep connection—before it became a relationship—is challenging, and you might be finding it hard to know how to cope. You know what to do when you experience a breakup, but what if your friendship […]

Looking for advice on how to reignite the spark and rebuild love in your relationship? Our guide on how to rekindle a relationship can help!
A Broken Heart

9 Ways to Rekindle Romance in Your Relationship or Marriage

When you and your partner first met, the chemistry was palpable. You didn’t just have a spark between you—it felt like a full-on bonfire with no fire extinguisher in sight.  However, as the weeks, months, and even years have passed, you might be struggling to find so much as a flicker of light in your […]

Think you’re ready to date again after losing your partner or spouse? We cover dating advice for widows and widowers to help you get back on the dating scene.
A Broken Heart

Dating Advice for Widows and Widowers Ready to Love Again

Dating as a widow or widower can be an especially tricky situation to navigate. After all, a lot of emotions are at play as you’re trying to find love again while still honoring the memory of your late partner or spouse. It can be challenging to process your grief and give yourself permission to date […]

Do you think you may be self-sabotaging your relationships? To help you find out, we cover eight signs of self-sabotage when it comes to romantic relationships.
A Broken Heart

8 Signs You’re Self-Sabotaging Your Relationships

You’ve probably heard about the concept of self-sabotage when it comes to things like landing a job or achieving your goals. You know, when you let yourself get in the way of your own success?  Well, you might be surprised that self-sabotage can actually apply to your romantic relationships, too. You can inadvertently destroy or […]

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