All Dating and Relationship Articles

From the Experts

Kauai Through Local Eyes

Sometimes you learn the most about a destination because you let yourself be vulnerable and live enough in the moment to meet someone who can share a local perspective…


Why We Lose Interest In People Who Show Too Much Interest In Us

We’ve come to associate courting with a chase. We secretly enjoy the thrills and lows that come with love you have to fight to earn. It makes us feel like we’re getting something worth our efforts. We need to know that there is value in something before we can invest in it…


The Truth Behind Miss-Matched Couples

While there are all kinds of variations within partners, mixed-attractiveness couples do go somewhat against the grain. We’re often cautioned that real beauty is found within, but good looks are among the more highly rated characteristics in what people say they want in a romantic partner. And in general, couples tend to be more similar in many respects…

From the Experts

Matchmaker Says: How To Be Single

Melody Kiersz, NYC Tawkify Matchmaker and Founder at Naked Wellness, circulated Mate-Seeking: The Science of Finding Your Best Partner out to the team last month on a hunch we would find it intriguing. There’s is a lot of “meat” to both Sean Braswel’s NPR story and Jeb Kinnison’s analysis of it that we thought the greater populace might benefit from…


Dating Instruction Roundup IV

They found that women generally felt more connected if a man took active interest in their conversation, by focusing on her and chiming in to ask questions about what she was saying – interrupting, but in a good way. Women also liked it when men laughed right after they did, and when they said complimentary things. Men, on the other hand…


“Casual Dating” Exposed

Dating with no intent to marry is like going to the grocery store with no money. You either leave unhappy or take something that isn’t yours…


Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest

But wouldn’t encouraging men to embrace the full range of their humanity benefit women? Why do we continue to limit the emotional lives of males when it serves no one?


The Tawkify Process: A Client’s Perspective

Lately, the team has been challenged with the concept of “reviews.” It’s a bit unnatural for us to occupy the “review” space, as one of Tawkify’s main cornerstones is client privacy. We don’t want our client’s to compromise their privacy to share about their experiences. However, we recognize that reviews are an integral component in the decision-making process as people consider working with us…


Matchmaker Says: Judge Not

Matchmaker Cynthia shared this story with the team about her client, D.C., last week and we felt it contained a valuable lesson for all those undergoing the processes of dating…

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