All Dating and Relationship Articles

The excitement of dating someone new can cause common sense to take a backseat. Avoid these 7 mistakes to ensure your relationship lasts.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Dating Someone New

When you start dating someone new, the excitement can cause common sense to take a backseat. You may hear stories from friends and think, “I’d never do that,” only to feel completely blindsided when the person you’re talking to winds up being the exact opposite of who you thought they were. We all make dating […]


How to Tell If You’re Dating or In a Relationship

You’ve been dating for a while and the question looms in the air: are you in a committed relationship? Being in a relationship is very different from dating. While the two ways of interacting are similar, there are certainly precise signs that differentiate the two positions. For starters, people in relationships tend to have higher […]


Relationship Advice for New Couples: Communication

The early stages of a relationship are filled with excitement and vibrant experiences of chemistry and discovery — making this a crucial time that sets the tone for the direction in which the relationship will go. Individuals who understand this know the importance of establishing a proper communication style to ensure the relationship thrives, and […]

Worried if you or your partner have a fear of commitment? Learn how overcoming commitment issues can help lead to healthier relationships.
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Guide to Overcoming Commitment Issues

Every type of relationship comes with its ups and downs, from being in “the honeymoon phase” to realizing that your partner loads the dishwasher the wrong way. But part of those highs and lows is whether or not you and your partner can commit—in the near future and the long term. It can be jarring […]


The Physical Effects of Love

Being in love is a wonderful, life-changing experience. The heart is often thought to be the only place of enrichment, where feelings begin and flourish, but the body also undergoes changes that can be explained scientifically. The physical effects of love progress throughout the stages of a relationship and deeply contribute to an individual’s overall […]

Wondering what's appropriate first date etiquette? This guide covers everything so you can make a great first impression.
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Tawkify Guide: First Date Etiquette

The first date is a crucial stage. It sets the tone for future dates and relationships. If the date goes well, then there is a high chance of moving into something more serious. Knowing how to conduct oneself on a first date is no longer optional, and displaying proper etiquette is an absolute necessity. The […]

What is chemistry in a relationship? How can you reignite that spark? Follow our guide for all the ins and outs of relationship chemistry.

What is Chemistry in a Relationship?

The word “chemistry” is often thrown around when it comes to the modern dating world. Maybe you’re wondering if you felt chemistry after your first date, or perhaps you’re still unsure of what chemistry in a relationship even means. In our guide, we’ll unpack everything you need to know about chemistry. We’ll define what chemistry […]

Neurological Signs of Being in Love

Neurological Signs of Being in Love

The desire for love is one of the most primal instincts we have. After all, who can resist the rush of being in love? That feeling of being “on cloud nine” when we first fall for someone. If you think back to the beginning of your last love affair, you can probably remember that feeling […]


5 Theories of Love Explained

Love is a fundamental human emotion. It’s not always simple to comprehend how and why this occurs. Love was long thought to be a spiritual, primal and ethereal phenomenon that science would never be able to fully explain. As a result, a number of individuals have endeavored to gain a deeper understanding of this optimistic […]

Is the dating scene making you feel frustrated or defeated? This dating success guide provides expert advice on finding your ideal match.

The Ultimate Guide to Dating Success

Finding a soulmate or even choosing the right companion can often feel like a secret code for only the lucky few to crack. You might find yourself searching for a partner at no avail, picking the wrong types of people, or getting frustrated before you even dip your toes in the dating pool. Yes, dating […]

Want to make sure your first date goes well? Here are seven tips that will help you have an enjoyable and successful first date
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7 Tips for a Successful First Date

Dating has evolved – it is not as simple as it once was. As dating has changed, the advice around dating should be updated to keep with the times. It’s not all about pulling out a chair and getting reservations at a five-star restaurant. Being kind and generous may secure a date, but be sure […]

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